CS Bachelor Programs

Program Structure   |  Program Details   |  Enrollment Data    |  Courses  |  Study Plan|  Advisory Board




Deliver leading and entrepreneur educational program in Computer Science area that is recognized locally, regionally and globally.



Providing students with the necessary skills, knowledge, and competences to solve complex computing problems using distinguished teaching and learning process.


Student Outcomes (SOs):

Students in the Computer Sciences program   are prepared to attain the SOs by the time they graduate based on the following student outcomes.

  1. Analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions.
  2. Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline.
  3. Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
  4. Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles.
  5. Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline..
  6. Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions.


Program Educational Objectives

PEO-1: Be successfully employed, pursue a graduate degree, or continue their professional education
PEO-2: Apply their skills in clear communication and demonstrate professional attitudes and ethics to be identified as a valuable member in the organization and demonstrate adaptability, responsibility, and leadership
PEO-3: Demonstrate an understanding of the context and broader impacts of technology in their organization and have the ability to adapt to a rapidly changing environment


 Program Details

Program Title Computer Science
Level of Study Undergraduate
Degree Level Bachelor
Degree Designation Bachelor of Information Technology and Computer Sciences with a Major in Computer Science
Faculty Faculty of Information Technology and Computer Sciences
Department Computer Science
Other Department (s) Involving in Teaching the program

Information Systems

Information Technology

Mode of Attendance Full-Time
Duration of the Program Four Years
Total Credit Hours 134
Language of Instruction English
Entrance Requirements
Regular Admission

There are mainly three conditions that MUST be met to admit students at the computer science program:

  1. The student MUST hold a Jordanian high school (Tawjihi) certificate in scientific track or an equivalent certificate from an admitted entity.
  2. The student MUST hold a Jordanian Nationality.
  3. The high school (Tawjihi) GPA MUST be 65% and above or an equivalent rate.


Parallel Admission

The parallel admission applies the same conditions as the regular one, except that students are directly admitted by YU; not UAU. Students who have not succeeded in the UAU competition are, usually, apply to parallel admission. They MUST meet all the three conditions of regular admission in order to apply for the parallel one. The applications from international students (who have Jordan Nationality) are evaluated at the registrar office according to the available seats. Available seats are specified according to the student-faculty ratio at the department of computer science. Students compete according to their GPAs on the available seats. The only difference between parallel and regular admissions is the registration fees.



International Admission

The international admission applies to non-Jordanian students; who do not hold Jordanian nationality. The admitted students MUST hold an equivalent high school (Tawjihi) certificates in scientific track that are accredited and approved by Jordanian Ministry of Education (MOE). Furthermore, the high school GPA MUST be 65% or above. The applications from international students are evaluated at the registrar office according to the available seats. Available seats are specified according to the student-faculty ratio at the department of computer science. Students compete according to their GPAs on the available seats.

Enrollment Data

Academic Year

Degrees Awarded
























Program Regulations http://law.yu.edu.jo/phocadownload/BA_Degree.pdf



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  027211111 (2632)

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