Information Systems

Information Systems

The Department of  Information Systems (IS) was established in the academic year 2002/2003 as part of the Faculty of Information Technology and Computer Sciences. The department offers a bachelor degree in CIS which provides promising employment opportunities in business, industry and the area of Information Technology. Recently in 2008, the department has reviewed the curriculum for the bachelor degree and a new comprehensive and emergent curriculum has been approved.

As for higher education, the department offers a Master degree in CIS (comprehensive Exam track) as well as a joint diploma degree in ICT with the University of InHolland, the first to be offered program in the Middle East. This Diploma integrates the usage of ICT technologies into education. In the 2008, the department established a new special Master track to suite employed students, where the lectures are held on Thursday evenings and Saturdays. 

Several well equipped labs are set up to serve students which include some specialized labs such as Multimedia labs, Software Engineering Labs, and Database labs.

The department provides the academic requirements for the use of computer skills for various colleges and disciplines at the university.
The main objective of the Department is to improve the quality of teaching by concentrating on the practical part of the classes that needs practical training in addition to the theoretical classes.


Head of Information Systems Department

Dr. Rafat M. Hammad

 Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Phone : 0096227211111     

Department Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


 Yarmouk university, Irbid - Jordan
  027211111 (2632)

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