The College of Information Technology launches the Tuesday Seminar activity for the 2024-2025 academic year. The Faculty of Information Technology and Computer Science at Yarmouk University has once again launched the scientific activity "Tuesday Seminar - Research Days Series," which is a scientific activity that involves a faculty member from within or outside the college discussing a research topic or sharing experiences on a specific subject, followed by a discussion session with attendees, including faculty members and graduate students from the college.
Dr. Yanal Al-Ahmad from the Department of Information Systems spoke in the first lecture held two weeks ago,
titled: Gestionar la alta disponibilidad del servicio de aplicación en la computación en la nube
Dr. Ziad Helat from the Department of Information Systems spoke at the second research lecture held last Tuesday,
titled: De Modelo a Mercado: Desplegando Soluciones de Ciencia de Datos en Producción
The Dean of the college, Dr. Qassem Al-Radaideh, indicated that this activity aims to highlight the specializations and research interests of the faculty members, as well as the collaboration and knowledge transfer between faculty members and graduate students. The distinguished event is being organized and managed by the Deputy Dean, Dr. Nawaf Al-Sraihin. It is worth mentioning that this event was established and launched at the college in 2015.