A distinguished meeting between the dean and the college administration with the new faculty members.

A distinguished meeting between the dean and the college administration with the new faculty members who joined the college this year and last year.

We touched on the beginnings of the department's establishment in 1978, then the college in 2002, and the developments related to the introduction of specialized programs. Initially, there was one program called the Bachelor's in Computer Science, but now, thank God, we have reached ten programs: six for the Bachelor's degree and four for the Master's degree, and development continues.

The dean spoke after welcoming them about the challenges and future opportunities for developing the college and contributing to the development of the university, which relies on them as they are new blood and have the determination.

The greetings of the esteemed president were conveyed to them, along with his directives on the necessity of participating in international and local research projects and the available opportunities.

The discussion included legislation and the evaluation of academic performance, as well as the progress towards international accreditation for the remaining programs and the progress in assigning the remaining programs.

And an extensive dialogue took place with the attendees from the colleagues.

Join me in welcoming the colleagues, who are

Dr. Ali Malakawi

Dr. Ziad Helat

Dr. Mohammed Al-Wadiyan

Dr. Tarek Dradkeh

Dr. Ahmed Rawashdeh

Dr. Subah Al-Khashini

Dr. Sami Al-Samadi

Dr. Yanal Al-Ahmad

Dr. Alaa Al-Hamoud

Dr. Rami Mahawash

Dr. Heba Al-Quran

Dr. Qusai Al-Zoubi

Mr. Imran Bashabsha

 Yarmouk university, Irbid - Jordan
  027211111 (2632)

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