Faculty Projects

Using An Integrated Techniques for Developing Indoor Navigation Systems to Allow the Blind and Visually Impaired People to Reach Precise Objects.


Project Title: Using An Integrated Techniques for Developing Indoor Navigation Systems to Allow the Blind and Visually Impaired People to Reach Precise Objects.

Principal Investigator: Iyad Abu Doush

Researchers involved:

Sawsan Alshatnawi

Abdelkarim Altamimi

The sponsor

Deanship of Research & Graduate Studies - Yarmouk University

Project Summary:

The indoor navigation for users is not an easy task for people especially when they go to a new place (e.g., university or mall). This problem becomes more challenging in the case of blind or visually impaired people.  The purpose of this research project is to provide an intelligent interface for precise indoor navigation for blind and visually impaired people using a smart phone. We will use a set of different technologies (i.e., WIFI, Bluetooth, and RFID) to help the user reaching a micro element in the navigated environment. As a proof of concept we will test the system framework on the Yarmouk University library to help the blind user finding a specific book.


 Yarmouk university, Irbid - Jordan
  027211111 (2632)

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